Saturday, July 4, 2009

Like it matters what I say.

I shouldn't be disturbed hearing rumors about myself; I live in a town of about 9000 in the Midwest and rumors are its lifeblood.
Today I heard one that really made my blood churn. I think it's because the close-minded people I used to work with (and there's specifically three of them I think of here and one I definitely do not lump in with the rest of the losers) continue to talk about me three months after my dismissal. Have you people not done enough to me? Do you have to continue to pick at me and discuss me with every customer you have, many of which then contact me with reports of your sharp tongues? I think you're pathetic, all three of you, four counting the guy, and this is why:
1. I did sell my house. Did I lose 42,000 dollars in doing so? Hell no. I'm not retarded. In fact, I think I'm much smarter than all of you. And I made money on the sale, not that you sad sacks care about the truth.
2. The girl responsible for at least 10 co-workers losing their jobs because she will say anything she can to further her own pathetic goals? Nobody went to her house and sat in her driveway while she called the sheriff's department on them and had them removed. There is no sheriff's report, because it never happened. I think it's so funny that my unemployment was denied because of this total fabrication, and I think it's funnier that nobody bothered to check the validity of the claim before firing me. It never happened.
3. Every day I have been away from that job has been better. I have been off for three months, I have not used my credit card in that time, I have not collected one penny of unemployment, I have not cashed in my savings or CDs and I have no sugar daddy, yet I am still able to have time off, and that's fantastic.
God, the four of you suck. Enjoy this post, because I dedicate it to you.
That's really all I have to say.