Friday, April 13, 2007

SOMETHING somebody said has to be offensive to me!

So, the firing of Don Imus is a "turning point", according to MSNBC.
If this is the direction we're heading after such a monumental turning point, I'd like to go ahead and ask Borat to shoot me in the head -- I AM one-sixteenth Jewish, after all, and so I suppose I could claim emotional scarring from seeing the movie. Instead, I saw it for what it was -- a big freakin' joke on America, and it couldn't have targeted a more deserving group.
The firing of Don Imus is one more setback in this nation's increasingly embarrassing history. Let's set aside the fact that freedom of speech is allegedly one of our protected rights as stated in the Constitution and just focus on the generality of his comment. When I was in high school some fifteen years ago, girls called other girls "nappy headed ho's" when they felt they had to say something but couldn't specifically target any one thing about the other party to comment upon. It was a generic insult. Now, of course, such a comment MUST mean that we're demeaning other races. By firing the man who made such an innocent remark, NBC and now, apparently, CBS are paving the way for different races to sue each other for restitution for something that happened what, nearly 200 years ago? That's what I thought. I call bullshit. Let's wipe the slate clean and remember that nobody is alive now who commented such atrocities then. And please, please stop crying foul over everything that MIGHT be offensive to someone. Otherwise, I'll have a lot of people to put up for firing consideration, starting with anyone who ever told a fat joke (I used to be chubby) and ending with oh, I don't know, anyone who ever called ME nappy-headed when I had my hair extensions in 1993. Boy oh boy, I can almost smell the money!

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